Watching for any changes in records on gSTB level and if there are some - triggering corresponding callbacks in clients.
Can't be reached from application scope.
(static) checkTime :number
Interval between updates (between pvrManager.GetAllTasks() function calls)
- number
(static) checkTimerId :number
Id from update setInterval function
- number
(static) idToIndexHash :Object
Hash to connect raw records data and records objects in clients. Otherwise on each update operation we should
use multiple cycles to build connections between raw data and record objects and only than apply changes.
- Object
(static) lostEvents :Object
Stack for asynchronous callbacks. For example delay between STB record creation call and record appearance in
STB records list can be more than few seconds. So callback will wait in stack till corresponding new record
would be fond by sync operation.
- Object
(static) rawDataList :Array
Raw records data from pvrManager.GetAllTasks() call
- Array
(static) triggers :Array
List of clients listeners. For example to make first client update progress for recordItem and emit event
'progress' for his app, you should call daemon.triggers[0].onProgress(recordItem).
- Array
(static) sync()
Synchronise changes in records on gSTB level and if there are some - trigger corresponding callbacks in clients.